February 8, 2009

Do You Dare Enter...Silver Springs????

When last we looked in on the residents of sleepy little Silver Springs, we learned that Green Arrow and his youthful ward Speedy had become the latest victims of nefarious businessman Lernie Ladoff's stock market scheme, and thus were forced to downsize their crime-fighting organization...

Meanwhile, at a nearby Red Lobster...

Elsewhere, on Boltinoff Street, a fateful decision has been reached...

Two weeks later, Billy is working as a roadie for Silver Spring's newest hit punk band, The Krypto Kickers...

Steve Trevor, still in the grip of a government research drug, continues to have wild hallucinations...

Meanwhile, Jimmy Olsen is making an ass out of himself over a girl again...

The next night, Superman's Pal proposes but is shocked to hear...

Faced with an impossible dilemma, Jimmy folds like a stack of cards and becomes a rambling loony...

Meanwhile, in the 30th Century, The Silver Springs American Legion considers new membership requests...

Sometime earlier, in the present day of the past, Superman umpires a Little League game, rendering his fair impartial decisions in Kryptonese...

The Silver Springs Sensation thinks back to the glorious days of his own youth...

Elsewhere, The Boy Wonder, his Black Sabbath records confiscated by Batman, takes out some aggression...

Will Speedy get high off the Error Cars' exhaust fumes?

Will The Caped Crusader remember to remove his lobster bib?

Won't you come home, Bill Bailey?

Will Jimmy Olsen ever get laid? Not in that suit.

Will The Polecat light a match already?

Will Superman remember that little kids don't understand Kryptonese?

Will Robin be allowed to purchase the first Deep Purple record?

How do I make my voice do that?

Answers to these questions will not end with question marks on the next thrilling episode of...

S*I*L*V*E*R* S*P*R*I*N*G*S

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