January 16, 2014

Toppermost #2

Hawaiian Ear Candy. As part of my continuing immersion into Hawaiian culture, I've come across a most magical musical ensemble named Hui Ohana, which means "family group." The trio, consisting of twin brothers Ledward and Nedward Kaapana and their falsetto-endowed cousin Edward Pavao, recorded 14 albums, starting with their 1973 debut Young Hawaii Plays Old Hawaii. Well worth checking out.

Nothing Up His Sleeve... Netflix is currently streaming the documentary Deceptive Practice: The Mysteries and Mentors of Ricky Jay. The world famous magician pays homage to many of his teachers while summarizing his own showbiz journey. Who doesn't love a good card trick?

Southern Fried Anglophiles. When I was 16, I chanced upon the Big Star two-fer #1 Record/ Radio City in a pawn shop, and it was love at first listen. Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me is a fascinating story of a band that made transcendent music, but ultimately failed to live up to their moniker in any commercial sense. Netflix it.

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na. Holy Newsflash, Batman! The complete Batman TV series, in all it's campy glory, is FINALLY coming to dvd this year! If only one Bat-Fan comes across this news first here at Easily Mused, my day will be officially made. I may Batusi, once the Bat-Shock wears off.

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