September 18, 2014

David Harper Nails What's Wrong With Superhero Comics Today

23 of DC's December comics will have variant covers drawn by Darwyn Cooke.
David Harper has recently posted an excellent article at Multiversity Comics in which he asserts, rightly so, that the superhero comics industry could do a lot worse than follow the example set by Darwyn Cooke's "DC:The New Frontier" to reinvigorate the genre and bring back some of the fun and optimism. He most eloquently points out that superheroes rarely even smile anymore. 

From the article:

When you look at “DC: The New Frontier” and Cooke’s variant covers that are coming down the path, it’s hard not to describe them with phrases like “nostalgic blasts” and “delightfully Silver Age.” That’s fair, as that’s what they are. They represent another time, and they do it well. But when I look at them, it’s hard not to recognize that the spirit and heart he captures in his work is something comics truly miss. In an era where social media and 24/7 news networks and in-your-face blogs are pursuing the horrors of the world to greater depths than ever before, a little bit of hope and optimism from the greatest heroes in comics feels more needed and welcome than ever.

Thanks to Arlen Schumer for the link.

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