October 1, 2014

Michael Kupperman Is Great So Buy All His Comics!

Do you like humor that is deranged, yet also droll? Do you like comics filled with non-sequiturs? Do you like woodcut drawings? Did you ever wonder what kind of delightful hijinks would transpire if a snake and a piece of bacon got together?

If you answered yes or no to any of the above questions, you need to check out the work of Michael Kupperman, creator of Tales Designed To Thrizzle.

When I read Michael's stuff, I somehow feel it was made especially for me, and that doesn't happen very often. Then, when I realize other people obviously enjoy his comics, I feel a little less alone in the universe.

Seriously. I'm surrounded by idiots. Help.

I just found an old Kupperman strip in an issue of Fantagraphics' Zero Zero (#26). Back then, Michael was operating under the pseudonym "P. Revess."

I hope it whets your appetite for more, and I hope you buy all of Michael Kupperman's comics, because he is a genius of comics, and geniuses of comics should be supported.

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