From Four Color #146 (May 1947), featuring the charming and clever thoughts and pictures of John Stanley. There is a ton of this classic comic goodness at Frank Young's spot on the web, Stanley Stories.
Award winning animator Dustin McClean (aka Dustball) produced this film, a parody of Mork & Mindy featuring George W. Bush (aka Dubya), for Current's "SuperNews" show. Let's all laugh so we don't start crying.
Here's a news article on about the upcoming auctioning of an unrestored Action Comics #1. Apparently, this comic book marked the first appearance of the popular "Superman And Friends" feature. This was a year before the debut of "Batman And His Pals".
One of the last original Fawcett adventures of "The Big Red Cheese." from Captain Marvel Adventures #148 (Sept. 1953). Written by Otto Binder. Illustrated by C.C. Beck.