Illustrator James Blagden's engaging short animated film "Dock Ellis & The LSD No-No" tells the true story of former Pittsburgh Pirate pitcher Dock Ellis, who pitched a no-hitter against the San Diego Padres in June of 1970 while tripping on LSD. Do not try this at home, kids!
Here's a comic that may be of interest to classic Hollywood enthusiasts: a brief biography of the glamorous Dorothy Lamour. I can't positively identify the artist, but I love that half splash. Some trees have all the luck.
From Miss Beverly Hills of Hollywood #3 (July-August 1949, DC)
I downloaded Jonathan Winter's Final Approach from Amazon this morning and I am happy to report that I was not disappointed. I knew what to expect going in. Improv is a young person's game for the most part. A mental game that requires sharp mental reflexes that must inevitably be somewhat dimmed by the natural aging process. Actually, I was impressed with how sharp Jonathan's skills remain.
This is an album of chuckles, not guffaws. However, while listening I also felt very privileged to be able to spend a little more time with this man who has already brought so much laughter to my life. The experience was not unlike paying a visit to a favorite uncle, one who is a little out of step with the times, but still gregariously entertaining. Here is a preview clip, courtesy of SeeofSound/MVD:
This is one of the few times when I wish Easily Mused had more reach. How wonderful it would be for Jonathan if 100,000 people would buy his cd in the next week. What a great way to show him that he is well remembered and appreciated by many people, as I know he is. Why does it seem like tributes are only paid to folks after they have passed away?
So, once again, if you are or ever have been a Winters fan, please buy Final Approach and spread the word through your blog, Facebook page, and/or Twitter account. Let's put some color into Jonathan Winters' cheeks! This is the last of my hard sell pitches, but the Jonathan exhibits will continue until Sunday.
Today, I want to share Jonathan's 1993 induction into the Comedy Hall of Fame. The audio is a little sketchy, but it contains some nice photos and clips that I can't find anywhere else. Thanks to YouTube poster MyTVcollection for posting this.
I have not been able to post all the great Jonathan Winters moments that I intended to today, so I am going to dedicate this entire week to the cause of encouraging people to purchase Jonathan's new (maybe last) comedy album, Final Approach.
I want to thank cartoonist Mike Lynch for helping to spread the word on his blog, and I want to encourage as many bloggers as possible to participate. It's not very often that people get the chance to personally show appreciation to their pop culture heroes, and I think it would be a shame if we waited until his passing to celebrate his achievements or to just say, simply, "We love you." Even if your blog is not normally associated with Show Bidness or comedians or actors, if Jonathan has ever slayed you with his inventive improvisational skills, please consider making an off-topic post. Facebook it. Tweet it. Tell your friends at work.
Jonathan Winters is 85 years old. He is a veteran of WWII. His trailblazing comedy has left an indelible mark on humor. His acting turns in classic movies like It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World are unforgettable. If laughter is the best medicine, we are all much healthier because of his presence in our lives.
I know Jonathan is too shy and proud a person to solicit sales in this way. That's why I am doing it. I still haven't heard Final Approach, but I am looking forward to the experience of reuniting with old friends like Maude Frickert, and I hope you are too.
Speaking of Maudie, here's a clip of Jonathan in that memorable role, getting a little frisky with Dean Martin and ribbing Dean's pianist Ken Lane.
YouTube clip originally posted by marilynmortician