Still available from all the finest retailers is the book The Art Of Harvey Kurtzman: The Mad Genius Of Comics by Denis Kitchen and Paul Buhle. I haven't picked up a copy yet, but I can't imagine it being anything but a feast for the eyes and mind.
Right now, President Obama and the Democrats are crusading to bring an affordable health care option to millions of worthy Americans who cannot afford to live much longer without some kind of help. Having insurance is a good thing indeed, but one must be wary before signing any policy. The dangers of such a reckless action are described in harrowing detail in the following comic. (Warning: Contains partial nudity)
From National Lampoon #90 (Sept 1977) (Script:Tod Carroll Art: Joe Orlando)
In the 1940s, DC Comics began inserting public service ads in their comics as a way to instill morality in their young impressionable readers. Unfortunately, some of the messages reflected wrongheaded attitudes that seem shocking and counterproductive today, in these more enlightened times. Here, from 1957, is one example...
In the near future, the work of artist Dan Gormley will reach a wider audience than it ever has, mainly due to his association with John Stanley, whose run on Nancy & Sluggo (featuring art by Gormley) is going to be reprinted by Drawn & Quarterly Books. Gormley's stuff is visually appealing to be sure. His panels are laid out well and his characters are very expressive. See for yourself in this Crusader Rabbit story from Four Color # 735 ( October 1956). The writer is not John Stanley, but Nancy Hoag, a teacher turned prolific author whose last book, published in 2002, was a memoir called The Fingerprints Of God: Seeing His Hand In The Unexpected.
Basil Wolverton certainly needs no introduction to classic comics aficionados. His work influenced an entire generation of cartoonists, from Robert Crumb to Pete Bagge. Here is an example featuring his most enduring original character, Powerhouse Pepper. This piece was lovingly reprinted in glorious black and white in Snarf #13 (December 1989). It's a riot, Wyatt!
Want more? Of course you do. Check out The Original Art Of Basil Wolverton , a 200 page feast for the eyes compiled by Glenn Bray and Doug Harvey and published by Lasp Gasp and Grand Central Press. Also available is a collection of his lesser known religious work, The Wolverton Bible, published by Fantagraphics.
From the warped noggin of Howard Cruse comes this NSFW twist on Little Lulu, now grown up and remembering the horrors of her youth. Originally presented in Snarf #8 (October 1978). This comic contains adult themes and profanity, so proceed at your own risk.